


What is Infertility?
When a couple is unable to conceive after having regular intercourse without any contraception for a period of two years or more, they may be considered infertile.


What causes infertility?

In men, the problem may be due to:

In women, infertility may be caused by:


In some couples, there may be no identified cause which explains their infertility.


What can you do to improve your chances of conceiving?

It is recommended that you have regular, unprotected sexual intercourse, two to three times a week, to boost your chances of falling pregnant.

What happens if you have fertility problems?
You and your partner should see a doctor together. The doctor will ask about the duration of the problem, your menstrual, sexual and gynaecological history, and history specifically targeting the fertility issue to determine possible causes of the problem. If problems are identified, the doctor will refer you and your partner for testing after discussion and counselling of both parties.


What tests will be done?
For the male partner:
The doctor will refer you for a sperm analysis to measure the amount and quality of the sperm produced. Your doctor must give you clear instructions on how to prepare for the test and what is expected of you. If the test result is abnormal, your doctor will repeat the test three months later.

For the female partner:
Your doctor will enquire about how frequently you menstruate. If you menstruate regularly, the doctor will advise a blood test for a hormone called progesterone, three weeks after your last menstrual period to determine whether you are ovulating (shedding eggs). Hormones called gonadotropin stimulate the ovaries to produce eggs.


Other tests:


What treatment is available?

For the male partner, treatment includes:

For the female partner:


What is assisted reproduction?
This is a specialist area which assists you in conceiving without having intercourse. It is important that you are well informed regarding risk, cost and success rate of these procedures prior to attempting these options. This includes various forms such as:


1. NATIONAL INSTITUTE FOR CLINICAL EXCELLENCE (NICE). Guidelines. February 2004. Assessment and treatment for people with fertility problems. London: Abba Litho Limited.
2. TYGERBERG FERTILITY (AEVITAS CLINIC). Life Vincent Pallotti Hospital. Website: